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Maybe you all have expected this application for a while, maybe not. Either way.
If you don't know me, im Ben aka ut2004frk, i've been a part of IG since sometime 2018 but started being active in the community since the pandemic hit this year and I was out of work. I hit it off with lots of the members in various aspects of the community, ranging from making music with members, DJing on the server, surfing frequently, and helping to try and better the community in ways like reporting rule breakers and informing new members of the rules we abide by. I have made some truly deep connections with members of the server and have made friendships that will last a lifetime. After being accepted as part of the zoning team earlier this year I have been approached by other members and staff asking if being a moderator is something that would interest me. I have been debating for months on if the extra responsibility is something that I can handle, or if I wanted to keep my position strictly to zoning. Today I finally decided to apply for staff since I think I would be a good addition to the team. I am well versed in the rules, and I try to avoid escalating conflicts that occur in the server.
IG is more of a home for me than just a game server to visit and relax to, and I want to help make my home a place other people want to call their own. With all the plans to expand and increase user throughput in the server, I do not doubt that having me on your staff would be important and helpful to all those who currently are staff for IG. If the owners, admins, and moderators of the server will have me, I will do my absolute best to help out where I can when I am available. I cannot guarantee I will be on every day or anything like that since I'm 28 and still have a life outside of gaming, but I would like to be a bigger part of this great team you all have created.
Keep it real
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This is a big fat +1 from me. Thanks for applying :D
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ut2004frk wrote (Post ID: 1273, Date: 2020-11-13 16:04:23):
Maybe you all have expected this application for a while, maybe not. Either way.
If you don't know me, im Ben aka ut2004frk, i've been a part of IG since sometime 2018 but started being active in the community since the pandemic hit this year and I was out of work. I hit it off with lots of the members in various aspects of the community, ranging from making music with members, DJing on the server, surfing frequently, and helping to try and better the community in ways like reporting rule breakers and informing new members of the rules we abide by. I have made some truly deep connections with members of the server and have made friendships that will last a lifetime. After being accepted as part of the zoning team earlier this year I have been approached by other members and staff asking if being a moderator is something that would interest me. I have been debating for months on if the extra responsibility is something that I can handle, or if I wanted to keep my position strictly to zoning. Today I finally decided to apply for staff since I think I would be a good addition to the team. I am well versed in the rules, and I try to avoid escalating conflicts that occur in the server.
IG is more of a home for me than just a game server to visit and relax to, and I want to help make my home a place other people want to call their own. With all the plans to expand and increase user throughput in the server, I do not doubt that having me on your staff would be important and helpful to all those who currently are staff for IG. If the owners, admins, and moderators of the server will have me, I will do my absolute best to help out where I can when I am available. I cannot guarantee I will be on every day or anything like that since I'm 28 and still have a life outside of gaming, but I would like to be a bigger part of this great team you all have created.
Keep it real
+1 from me for sure. :cool:
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If I could give more than a +1 I would, great guy!