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What is your in-game name? Creme or _Coopie
What is your age? 19 but im turning 20 on September 22nd!
For how long have you been playing on our network? I have been playing on the IG rap server for almost 3 years. I have been playing the Minecraft server since the first week it came out!
Have you ever been banned? If so, why? I have been banned before on multiple occasions. I have been banned mostly because i was being immature to the staff, but i think since my last ban which has been multiple months I have gained respect from the staff I use to troll back in the day. I still love to mess around but not to the extent that I use to do!
What is your country and timezone? Im east coast, USA
Do you have discord? If so, what is your username? Of course! It is ?????#0442
Tell us in your own words, what a Builder does. A builder is someone who has an image in their head, and makes it a real concept on either pen or paper but in this case pixels on a video game.
What makes you a good Builder? I think of myself as a good builder because of my imagination. As a human, people use imagery, imagery is the act of taking words from a story or from an in real life situation, and make pictures of it in their head to understand what someone is saying. I think I can do that very well with stories, in general, or in minecraft.
Do you have any previous experience on being Builder? I have previous building experience from just playing over the years, I know what looks good and what doesn't. I have survival worlds on playstation and xbox that have some spectacular looking buildings on it but I am unable to recover those worlds :(
How often can you get online? I have online school monday - thursday and i usually work 5 days a week 5pm-10pm but, I am always on discord!
What is your favourite building style, and why? I like to build with woods and stones!
What building styles are you able to do? I can make high roofed houses, dark "spooky" buildings, and even churches!
Do you have experience with WorldEdit? I am not familiar with worldedit but I can watch videos about it so I can prepare myself for the task!
What are your least favorite building styles to do, and why? I don't really have a least favorite building style but if I have to say a building style I don't like it would be oceanic style or anything that Le Dieu does. :)
Anything else you would like to tell us? I have enjoyed playing on IG and I think I would be a great asset to have as a builder!

Please make sure to upload a few pictures of previous builds.  i have no clue if the pictures are going to load. I can send them via Discord Dm if that helps <3

i have more pics by the way lol