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Name: TraiN
Discord: TraiN#6627
Age: 17
Country/Timezone: Sweden CET  (GMT+2)
TimePlayed: according to Gametracker i have 370 hours played, but across all my accounts during these 4 years id say i have alot more. (140 hours ingame time since the 22th timer reset) ~8,75 hours per day

Video Editing 8/10
Webdesign 5/10
Mixing beats/vocals 8/10
programming 7/10

About me:
I am a person who is positiv about every aspect of life. There are many things i like to do, to see, and to experience. I like to rap, I like to sing, I love all kinds of videogames. I like Surfing. I like skatebording. I love to listen to music. I also like staying up late, Making new friends, Meeting new people, Learning new things. At the moment Im studying to hopefully become a programmer in the future. Since not only do i love videogames, i also love making them.

I decided to apply because I would like to help the server, which for 4 years has become a great platform for me in spending free time. Of course i drift in and out, but I seem to always come back. I really like to share my experience and help other players, as it is useful for the development of the community. As an admin and founder of surf combat servers in past i know how to resolve difficult situations on the server and hold long-term discussions with the people who are trying to brake the rules. I have the experience in bilateral conversations with mic spammers and trolls. As an old surf player i have met a lot of good and friendly people on the server, and i know almost everyone. I would like to add that making the surf/rapping community a better place to be around is one of my number one priories while playing on the server, since i spend so much time of my life playing here.
I generally have a good time on this server and just want to help new players feel just as welcome as I did back when i started playing on the server and i hope together we can provide the server with an amazing future.

Kind Regards, DJ TraiN