Thread by:
When you got banned: at least 3 months ago
Why you got banned: saying the N word while rapping
Permanent Steam Profile URL:
What was the situation before you got banned: I was rapping and then I said the N word which I understand is a violation but I miss playing on the server
Who banned you: I don't remember
Are you in the wrong or in the right: I was in the wrong but it wont happen again
21 cabbage
Username: 21 CabbageWhen you got banned: at least 3 months ago
Why you got banned: saying the N word while rapping
Permanent Steam Profile URL:
What was the situation before you got banned: I was rapping and then I said the N word which I understand is a violation but I miss playing on the server
Who banned you: I don't remember
Are you in the wrong or in the right: I was in the wrong but it wont happen again