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When you got banned: 05-23-19 20:18
Why you got banned: The reason XED gave was "NotPlaying"
Permanent Steam Profile URL:
What was the situation before you got banned: I was an outstanding member/ rapper i even joined the clan GoatSquad, founded by The GOAT kACHigga, and was overall respected by many members, and had no previous mutes or bans.
Who banned you: XED.
Are you in the wrong or in the right: I believe I am in the right becasue i was just rapping and then XEd just banned me for no wrongdoing too! I thought this server was meant for rapping so thats what I did but apparently in this situation I was not allowed too, like whut? NO ONE WAS even rapping so its not like i was rapping over some1 else!?!?!? And YES IVE WAited since 05-23-19 so I think an unban is well desrved.
Username: discord.TV/smolbrgrWhen you got banned: 05-23-19 20:18
Why you got banned: The reason XED gave was "NotPlaying"
Permanent Steam Profile URL:
What was the situation before you got banned: I was an outstanding member/ rapper i even joined the clan GoatSquad, founded by The GOAT kACHigga, and was overall respected by many members, and had no previous mutes or bans.
Who banned you: XED.
Are you in the wrong or in the right: I believe I am in the right becasue i was just rapping and then XEd just banned me for no wrongdoing too! I thought this server was meant for rapping so thats what I did but apparently in this situation I was not allowed too, like whut? NO ONE WAS even rapping so its not like i was rapping over some1 else!?!?!? And YES IVE WAited since 05-23-19 so I think an unban is well desrved.