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When you got banned:
08-21-19 16:06
Why you got banned:For "staff disrespect "
Permanent Steam Profile URL:
What was the situation before you got banned:Gaga had banned 2 other people
For little to no reason Everyone including myself was asking why he banned them with no warning
and perma banned them too
Who banned you:
GaGa⅁gfowaLxqᴉNp xi : IGaGa
Are you in the wrong or in the right: The right ,
your giving someone power who needs to stop perma banning everyone for little to no reason
And not even warning anyone either just straight up banning them I've been on the server for almost a year now and ive never met a mod as careless and ban crazy as gaga He takes Everything as offensive and permas you for it and if you have anything to say about it he'll ban you too (even when no one takes it at " offensive " Obliviously his 'definition" of offensive is much different from the people of the server .A good example of this is check the ban list for the last i say 10-20 people most of them has his name on i recommend that you take away his banning privilege cause he is obviously he is not ready for it Ive even met other players on longer then me have the same complaints -also i dont think a 6 day ban is appropriate for staff disrespect when he says i was "disrespecting him when i clearly wasn't " Also first offense Sooooo
other than that server is as good as when i joined
Username: DippityWhen you got banned:
08-21-19 16:06
Why you got banned:For "staff disrespect "
Permanent Steam Profile URL:
What was the situation before you got banned:Gaga had banned 2 other people
For little to no reason Everyone including myself was asking why he banned them with no warning
and perma banned them too
Who banned you:
GaGa⅁gfowaLxqᴉNp xi : IGaGa
Are you in the wrong or in the right: The right ,
your giving someone power who needs to stop perma banning everyone for little to no reason
And not even warning anyone either just straight up banning them I've been on the server for almost a year now and ive never met a mod as careless and ban crazy as gaga He takes Everything as offensive and permas you for it and if you have anything to say about it he'll ban you too (even when no one takes it at " offensive " Obliviously his 'definition" of offensive is much different from the people of the server .A good example of this is check the ban list for the last i say 10-20 people most of them has his name on i recommend that you take away his banning privilege cause he is obviously he is not ready for it Ive even met other players on longer then me have the same complaints -also i dont think a 6 day ban is appropriate for staff disrespect when he says i was "disrespecting him when i clearly wasn't " Also first offense Sooooo
other than that server is as good as when i joined