Thread by:
When you got banned: i accedentally said the f word in a freestyle didnt know that was not allowed
Who banned you: dont know
Are you in the wrong or in the right:
I was in the wrong because I simply could've left the situation alone and I wouldn't have to be in this position I am today.
If punishment is deserved provide an alternative you would like that you yourself think is fair.
> Anytime soon would be great, I would love to be back in the rap community again and I believe that considering this server was where it all started for me, I would love to be back as a new and considerably reformed person.
Thanks, fannsibagg
Username:fannsibaggWhen you got banned: i accedentally said the f word in a freestyle didnt know that was not allowed
Who banned you: dont know
Are you in the wrong or in the right:
I was in the wrong because I simply could've left the situation alone and I wouldn't have to be in this position I am today.
If punishment is deserved provide an alternative you would like that you yourself think is fair.
> Anytime soon would be great, I would love to be back in the rap community again and I believe that considering this server was where it all started for me, I would love to be back as a new and considerably reformed person.
Thanks, fannsibagg