Thread by:
When you got banned: 8/08/2019 around 12:00 PM eastern time
Why you got banned: Using the word "Faggot" in a story
Permanent Steam Profile URL:
What was the situation before you got banned: I was freestyling with "mercury" and momentarily following up with some high school stories
Who banned you: Slap Slap Slap Slap Slap Slap Slap
Are you in the wrong or in the right: Wrong for using offensive language but at the same time i apologize, i didn't know it wasn't allowed to be said in the server. again my apologizes.
If punishment is deserved provide an alternative you would like that you yourself think is fair:
(I'll donate some money to the server as a apology for saying that offensive word). or give me a week ban :(
Username: ShadowmaxxlWhen you got banned: 8/08/2019 around 12:00 PM eastern time
Why you got banned: Using the word "Faggot" in a story
Permanent Steam Profile URL:
What was the situation before you got banned: I was freestyling with "mercury" and momentarily following up with some high school stories
Who banned you: Slap Slap Slap Slap Slap Slap Slap
Are you in the wrong or in the right: Wrong for using offensive language but at the same time i apologize, i didn't know it wasn't allowed to be said in the server. again my apologizes.
If punishment is deserved provide an alternative you would like that you yourself think is fair:
(I'll donate some money to the server as a apology for saying that offensive word). or give me a week ban :(