Thread Subject: {76561198294293886}| {fLix☁️} Request for Ban AppealUsername: fLix☁️
When you got banned: 3:03pm CT 11/13/2020
Why you got banned: Keybind containing the N word
Permanent Steam Profile URL: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198294293886/
What was the situation before you got banned: I was afk
Who banned you: Chief
Are you in the wrong or in the right: I believe I'm in the right because I don't remember ever hitting that key bind and I am fully aware of the rules and guidelines of the server especially of the consequences regarding the use of the hard R. Not only was i unaware that i had hit the key bind, but i was very confused when i tried joining the server and i had been banned. I don't blame anyone else but myself for the occurrence since I'm the one with the key bind but I genuinely did not mean to nor do i even remember hitting the key to set off that key bind.
If punishment is deserved provide an alternative you would like that you yourself think is fair.
>I understand that if i were to purposely use the hard R that i would be banned and I've known that ever since I joined the server. I've read the servers rules and I know what is allowed and what isn't so I believe a warning would be fair.