Thread by:
When you got banned:4/21
Why you got banned: f word
Permanent Steam Profile URL:
What was the situation before you got banned: there was no situation I was freestyling in my feelings and the f word slipped out
Who banned you: box
Are you in the wrong or in the right: I’m in the wrong but I had no clue you couldn’t say the f word as I just played for the first time today and it was an accident as I was just getting into a rap about my ex who cheated on me I just found out that f word is even what I thought it was I thought the f word was fuck which if it is the word that rhyme with wag then I never said it while I was rapping
Username: GetYeetedWhen you got banned:4/21
Why you got banned: f word
Permanent Steam Profile URL:
What was the situation before you got banned: there was no situation I was freestyling in my feelings and the f word slipped out
Who banned you: box
Are you in the wrong or in the right: I’m in the wrong but I had no clue you couldn’t say the f word as I just played for the first time today and it was an accident as I was just getting into a rap about my ex who cheated on me I just found out that f word is even what I thought it was I thought the f word was fuck which if it is the word that rhyme with wag then I never said it while I was rapping