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When you got banned:3/31/2020 around 12 am
Why you got banned: supposedly saying say N***** hard R
Permanent Steam Profile URL:
What was the situation before you got banned:I was just surfing and I got banned I was confused then I asked my friend who I was surfing with why I got banned then he said I said say n****** which I did not
Who banned you: lew d
Are you in the wrong or in the right: Im in the right because I did not type it how do not know what type of hacks you have to have to allow to type under another person tag but I love your guys servers and I do not even talk in them I just surf and vibe to people rapping I haven't been on the server long my friend put me on it a week ago and I have been on everyday since I can give you my number even if you want to call me and talk about I just want to be unbanned.
Username:imnot16im300When you got banned:3/31/2020 around 12 am
Why you got banned: supposedly saying say N***** hard R
Permanent Steam Profile URL:
What was the situation before you got banned:I was just surfing and I got banned I was confused then I asked my friend who I was surfing with why I got banned then he said I said say n****** which I did not
Who banned you: lew d
Are you in the wrong or in the right: Im in the right because I did not type it how do not know what type of hacks you have to have to allow to type under another person tag but I love your guys servers and I do not even talk in them I just surf and vibe to people rapping I haven't been on the server long my friend put me on it a week ago and I have been on everyday since I can give you my number even if you want to call me and talk about I just want to be unbanned.