Thread by:
When you got banned: 12\17\19
Why you got banned: I let the f word slip while spitting a sick diss on my cat
Permanent Steam Profile URL:
What was the situation before you got banned: I was freestyling and my cat scratched me so I called him the f word and he scratched me more and then I got permabanned. :c
Who banned you: True Vagabond
Are you in the wrong or in the right: The wrong, I knew you couldn't say it and I let it slip but that's my bad.
I, most humbly apologize for the heinous actions I've committed upon this graceful server.
Username: TricorbisWhen you got banned: 12\17\19
Why you got banned: I let the f word slip while spitting a sick diss on my cat
Permanent Steam Profile URL:
What was the situation before you got banned: I was freestyling and my cat scratched me so I called him the f word and he scratched me more and then I got permabanned. :c
Who banned you: True Vagabond
Are you in the wrong or in the right: The wrong, I knew you couldn't say it and I let it slip but that's my bad.
I, most humbly apologize for the heinous actions I've committed upon this graceful server.