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When you got banned: Nov. 4 2019
Why you got banned:for saying the f word
Permanent Steam Profile URL:
What was the situation before you got banned: i was free styling and the word just rolled off my lips.i wasnt being toxic
Who banned you: Drew
Are you in the wrong or in the right:Wrong of course i been on and off this sever for years i always respected the rules but the f one is really new to me and i didnt know i said until i said it if that makes since.
Username: DvrkLadWhen you got banned: Nov. 4 2019
Why you got banned:for saying the f word
Permanent Steam Profile URL:
What was the situation before you got banned: i was free styling and the word just rolled off my lips.i wasnt being toxic
Who banned you: Drew
Are you in the wrong or in the right:Wrong of course i been on and off this sever for years i always respected the rules but the f one is really new to me and i didnt know i said until i said it if that makes since.