Thread by:
When you got banned: about 2 am
Why you got banned: "advertising"
Permanent Steam Profile URL:
What was the situation before you got banned: Me and this kid on the server were talking about my friend CSPR and I asked if he heard his music, he said no and then provided a link to his song.
Who banned you: Slap
Are you in the wrong or in the right: Definitely in the right because according to Water Chicken advertising is a kick, and I got a perm ban right out of the gate. Never been banned before and been on the server for like a year and a half to two years.
If punishment is deserved provide an alternative you would like that you yourself think is fair.
> A kick would have been fair, or maybe a mute. But now I've been banned for a day, so I think I've served my time. But if you're really pressed about me posting a link just make it like a week or month ban.
Username: starsWhen you got banned: about 2 am
Why you got banned: "advertising"
Permanent Steam Profile URL:
What was the situation before you got banned: Me and this kid on the server were talking about my friend CSPR and I asked if he heard his music, he said no and then provided a link to his song.
Who banned you: Slap
Are you in the wrong or in the right: Definitely in the right because according to Water Chicken advertising is a kick, and I got a perm ban right out of the gate. Never been banned before and been on the server for like a year and a half to two years.
If punishment is deserved provide an alternative you would like that you yourself think is fair.
> A kick would have been fair, or maybe a mute. But now I've been banned for a day, so I think I've served my time. But if you're really pressed about me posting a link just make it like a week or month ban.