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When you got banned: 10/14/19
Why you got banned: "Mic Spam"
Permanent Steam Profile URL: 76561198991902815
What was the situation before you got banned: I asked swug if he was still doing his 72-hour live stream. He said yeah, and some guy in vc asked what it was. He replied "Zuko's world" and Ron started yelling at him for advertising. Swug claimed that he was just answering a question and Ron didn't need to be a dick about it. Swug claimed to have been on the server just as long as Ron and said that he didn't need to act better than everyone. Someone called for a beat to solve it with a rap battle. Then I started playing a beat, Swug rapped his half and Ron didn't reply (Obviously had left to talk to admins like he threatened). I kept playing beats and then was randomly kicked and banned for mic spam.
Who banned you: .XED.
Are you in the wrong or in the right: I have no clue what I did that constitutes mic spam. I played a beat when it was called for, to settle the. No prior warning was given to not play a beat. It was at suitable volume and people rapped on it.
Additional Evidence (The entire situation on video - Pink map, Counter reads 19:50 left):
Username: Hydromaniac #CramGangWhen you got banned: 10/14/19
Why you got banned: "Mic Spam"
Permanent Steam Profile URL: 76561198991902815
What was the situation before you got banned: I asked swug if he was still doing his 72-hour live stream. He said yeah, and some guy in vc asked what it was. He replied "Zuko's world" and Ron started yelling at him for advertising. Swug claimed that he was just answering a question and Ron didn't need to be a dick about it. Swug claimed to have been on the server just as long as Ron and said that he didn't need to act better than everyone. Someone called for a beat to solve it with a rap battle. Then I started playing a beat, Swug rapped his half and Ron didn't reply (Obviously had left to talk to admins like he threatened). I kept playing beats and then was randomly kicked and banned for mic spam.
Who banned you: .XED.
Are you in the wrong or in the right: I have no clue what I did that constitutes mic spam. I played a beat when it was called for, to settle the. No prior warning was given to not play a beat. It was at suitable volume and people rapped on it.
Additional Evidence (The entire situation on video - Pink map, Counter reads 19:50 left):